• Exclusive KraCoin
    KraCoin token is contributed in-game with the sustainable financial circle!

    100M $KRAC

The Fifth Treasure

A virtual robot combat game where anyone can earn tokens through creative physics-based battle.

Auto-generated NFT Boxes Daily
Weaponds and gadgets can be found in those mystery NFT Boxes!
200 NFT/day

The battlefield at the Krasopolis City




Collect plenty of NFT parts & combine them to create your own robots.

Match Prediction

Match Prediction

Betting on your favorite player & multiply your earning value.



Physics-based battle allows you to experience mind-blowing combats with unpredictable results.



Workshop is a great place for community content creator to earn money by selling their greatest works.

Visit the Krabots website

COORDINATES : 95310 : 9 ยท 05 906

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You are on the Metaverse gateway where those who trust in the future of the blockchain industry and invest
as collective groups and receive benefits from the best GameFi projects!
This is our adventure. This is your story. Come aboard and earn your treasures.