Welcome to the world of Iron Sail, where we ride the new winds with an iron will!
WYSIWYG Block – Full Width
The WYSIWYG block uses the standard WP WYSIWG editor, and should support all the formatting options that this allows. That means we can style text as bold, italic and strikethrough. We can specify a text colour such as red, green or blue.Â
We can also choose some built-in stylings.
Heading One
Heading Two
Heading Three
Heading Four
Heading Five
Heading Six
The block also has support for both ordered and unordered lists. Let’s try ordered lists first.
- List item one
- List item two
- List item three
And now, let’s try an unordered list
- Unordered list item one
- Unordered list item two
- Unordered list item three
It also supports alignment, so we can set a paragraph as being left-aligned, like this one. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur dui eu turpis bibendum malesuada. Sed dictum lorem nec porta feugiat. Integer euismod finibus mi. Nam nibh mi, faucibus ut est id, ultrices dapibus nulla. Phasellus id vulputate massa. Integer condimentum lacus fringilla, hendrerit nulla ac, bibendum velit.
Or we can set it to be right aligned, like this one. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur dui eu turpis bibendum malesuada. Sed dictum lorem nec porta feugiat. Integer euismod finibus mi. Nam nibh mi, faucibus ut est id, ultrices dapibus nulla. Phasellus id vulputate massa. Integer condimentum lacus fringilla, hendrerit nulla ac, bibendum velit.
And finally, we can set it as centered, like this one. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur dui eu turpis bibendum malesuada. Sed dictum lorem nec porta feugiat. Integer euismod finibus mi. Nam nibh mi, faucibus ut est id, ultrices dapibus nulla. Phasellus id vulputate massa. Integer condimentum lacus fringilla, hendrerit nulla ac, bibendum velit.
We can add horizontal rules, like the one below this text.
“We can add quotations like this also”, said whoever typed this.
Side headings
WYSIWYG Block – With Side Heading
The WYSIWYG editor also has support for a left-aligned heading. This block should have one, and will therefore display at a smaller width. All other content in this block is as per the block above, so you should see how they all look at the narrower width.
Heading 2 Takes up the full width
This is a statement that is important enough to be picked out and highlighted.
This is a domino block
This is a domino block
It’s great for using an image to illustrate a point in this text
This is a reversed domino block
This is a reversed domino block
It’s great for using an image to illustrate a point in this text, but with the image on the other side
This is the first item on a featured list
And this is it's content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur dui eu turpis bibendum malesuada. Sed dictum lorem nec porta feugiat. Integer euismod finibus mi. Nam nibh mi, faucibus ut est id, ultrices dapibus nulla. Phasellus id vulputate massa. Integer condimentum lacus fringilla, hendrerit nulla ac, bibendum velit.
This is the second item
And this is it's content too. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur dui eu turpis bibendum malesuada. Sed dictum lorem nec porta feugiat. Integer euismod finibus mi. Nam nibh mi, faucibus ut est id, ultrices dapibus nulla. Phasellus id vulputate massa. Integer condimentum lacus fringilla, hendrerit nulla ac, bibendum velit.
FAQ – Title
Is this the first question?
Yes, that’s correct – this is the first question in the FAQ list.
Then this must be question 2?
Correct again, you are very good at this.