The First Beta Version is Live Now!

28 /// 03 /// 2022

The First Beta Version is Live Now!

Our neighbors from The World of the Divines are being noisy early today. They are enjoying the battle of Mytheria – Clash of Pantheons with spells and gods. It's also available for every member of the IronSail spaceship. Let's get on the ship, pick your cards, bring us some trophies, passengers!

COORDINATES : 71246 : 4 · 17 154

Mytheria Update #493 – New Content Coming!

Mytheria is now live on Agoran

Welcome to the Iron Sail spaceship!
You are on the Metaverse gateway where those who trust in the future of the blockchain industry and invest
as collective groups and receive benefits from the best GameFi projects!
This is our adventure. This is your story. Come aboard and earn your treasures.